Kaiman, Greene & Associates

Burn Injuries

Los Angeles Burn Injury Lawyers

Burn injuries vary from minor to severe. While minor burn injuries can be healed with a little time and attention, serious burn injuries can leave a person permanently disabled and scarred. Burn injuries, such as 3rd degree and 4th degree burns, can lead to a variety of painful side effects, such as: nerve damage, scarring, loss of coordination, loss of touch, loss of movement, shock, and dangerous skin infections. Burn injuries can result from many different things, including chemicals exposure, electrocution, or exposure to heat/fire.

Burn Accident Injuries

While many burn injuries result from accidents, some burn injuries do result from third party negligence. Things such as auto accidents or adverse working conditions can all lead to serious burn injuries and are usually caused by the negligent actions of others.

Fortunately, victims who have sustained extensive burn injuries as a result of third party negligence are allowed to file a personal injury lawsuit to recover damages for things such as: medical bills, continued medical expenses, lost wages, loss of future wages, pain, suffering, and emotional trauma. In the state of California, personal injury victims are entitled to monetary compensation for their injuries, and should always be mindful of their legal rights.

If you or a loved one has sustained burn injuries due to another person’s negligence, it is always in your best interest to explore your legal options with a qualified Los Angeles burn injury attorney.

At Kaiman, Greene & Associates, we have represented numerous clients throughout Los Angeles and surrounding areas who have incurred burn injuries that were caused by third party negligence. We understand the pain and emotional trauma prospective clients face after they have sustained catastrophic burn injuries. For this reason, we do everything we possible to obtain maximum recovery on behalf of our Los Angeles personal injury clients. We are committed to providing professional, upstanding legal counsel and services for all of our clients throughout their burn injury and personal injury matters.

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